Amrutha Vijay P.T., Sahila M.M. and Kunhi A.A.M. 2016. Elimination of Inhibitory Effect of Phenol on Germination of Cicer arietinum Seeds Through Bioremediation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa S-CSR-0013. Abstract Book. National symposium on ‘Biosciences and Technology –Recent Developments and Future Prospects’, SIAS-Centre for Scientific Research, Safi Institute of Advanced Study, Vazhayoor, Malappuram, Kerala, p. 32.


Deleterious effects of a numbers of chemical compound including pesticides, herbicides and several other chemical on germination of crop seeds have been reported by several workers. Phenol is an important chemical feed stock used in several pharmaceutical and other biochemical industries. And is one of the major pollutants generated by these industries and cokes gasification plants. Several other aromatic compounds have been shown to be detrimental to seed germination however there is no report on inhibitory activity of phenol on seed germination, hence, this study was taken up. The effects of phenol on the germination of different crop seeds (11 seeds of vegetable crops) were screened by Filter Paper Method (FPM). Cicer arietinum (chickpea), Vigna radiata (green gram) and Pisum sativum (pea) seeds were highly sensitive to phenol as tested by Soil Method as well as FPM, C. arietinum being the most sensitive. Germination percentage and seedling vigour (Vigour Index) were reduced to 8 and 12.8 from 99 to 996 respectively. A number of abnormalities were also observed in the seedlings. Marked reduction in protease and amylase activities, which are the key enzymes involved in the mobilization of stored nutrients during germination. The viability of seeds was tested by TTC method, marked reduction in viability was observed indicating the interference of phenol in the respiratory activity of seeds. The inhibition caused by exposure to phenol was revoked by inoculation with Pseudomonas aeruginosa S-CSR-0013, a phenol degrading laboratory isolate, protecting the seeds from the inhibitory effect and improve the seedling vigour. The inoculated bacterial strain exhibited good survival and growth in phenol-spiked soil. It can be concluded that by bioremediation phenol- contaminated soils germination of sensitive crop seeds could be achieved and crops could be raised effectively.

Keywords:Bioremediation, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Seed germination.